Sunday, 20 April 2014

random ramble

Hello fellow gaming guys and gals, I'm going to ramble for a bit about
my channel, mine craft and talking about a few games that i want to buy.
so, without further adieu, here we go.

My channel is called datguyinthecorner, i play mine-craft especially among other
games, i am thinking about doing rituals on there, ( if you read my blog, Rituals & spells
then you should know what i mean ),  also if you guys play minecraft let me know and we can Skype,
or we could do a podcast on rituals, about an hour in length, or maybe even discussions non recording,
if that's what you would enjoy.

I think that a lot of the time people don't understand why mine-craft is so popular, here is my explanation,
1. its vast and endless.

2. its different which gives gamers new experience, for a lot of gamers that is what they're looking

That is all i have to say about mine-craft, I still don't know completely why people play mine-craft,
just i love it.

Some games i want to buy / play are, LOTRO, goat simulator and stick of truth.

goodbye and see you next time.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Theory?!: Clefable and Gengar, Pokemon

Hello fellow gaming guys and gals, welcome to a 
theory on pokemon, tell me if you want more theories,
comment below.

well here is how the theory goes, gengar is clefables shadow, evidence for: gengar is the shadow pokemon, there ears, eyes, tail, fur resemble each other except that gengar has pointier, more evil and mischievous.
evidence against: Clefable is from 
the moon making it impossible for 
gengar to be Clefable's shadow, 
also how are they seperated if, 
basically they are one in the same.

you debate if you agree or disagree
with this theory.

if you like minecraft and you want to see me play click here


Hello fellow gaming guys and gals, this is the second post today but i need to rant so here it is, its about one of my childhood favorites, but now the single game i wont go near, Naruto chronicles 2

UGH, this game, i remember from my childhood i could get to the final boss, this is when i was a noob, 5, but now that I'm 12, i can't get passed the first level, i'm probably going to watch a play through, but now that I've got that out of my system i can get onto better things in the next installment of 'Gaming Rants, Reviews, and Rambles'.

comment if you agree or disagree.

Me: next, time a theory
You: but you only do rants, reviews and rambles.
Me: its going to be posted to see if you like it.
You: okay, whats the theory on
Me: Pokemon, that's all I'm saying

Review: Mine-craft

Hello and welcome fellow gaming guys and gals, to my first post.
Today I'm Reviewing one of my favorite games, Mine-craft 

This open-world, free choice style RPG looks as if it was made in the mid nineties,
but looks can be deceiving. This game came out in alpha and beta in 2011, 
but was only officially 
released for $19.95 U.S dollars and $28.00 AUD in 2012.

This game has so many possibilities it would take pages upon pages to explain,
so instead here is a link to Paulsoaresjr's Mine-craft tutorial series (which is not my channel)

I give this game 9/10 for one reason, it is one of a kind.